
Fitness-focused yoga classes
Led by Yogafit~Style trained instructor
Susan Silver
Monday Nights
7:00 PM at Messiah Lutheran Church
10416 Bossi Lane, Greenhills 45218
Classes are $10 each
You don’t have to commit to attend every week –
come when you can!
All abilities welcome –
click to learn more about Yogafit!
Classes started on Monday, September 10th, 
but you can still join us!

The Olympic Spirit

by Laura Priebe

In the winter of 2014, Nick Goepper became a household name in my neck of the woods.  He grew up maybe 10 minutes from us, skied the same hills we did at Perfect North, and there he was on the podium in Sochi, a bronze medal winner at age 19.

Now, 4 years later, signs all over town broadcast our good wishes – “Good Luck, Nick!”  And there he was on the local and national news, talking about how after the Sochi games, he slid into what is called “post-Olympic depression.” He lost himself in alcohol, parties and even considered suicide.

His family recognized the signs, and after entering rehab, he emerged with some of the sparkle back in his eyes.  Not only did he regain the spring in his step, he regained his love for the sport, a sport which sends him flying, flipping and turning above a jump, gloved hands grabbing his skis.

And on Sunday, he stood on the podium again, this time with a silver medal around his neck. (Click on the picture below to read more of Nick’s story).


Continue reading The Olympic Spirit

Multi-tasking – yes or no?

It didn’t used to be a thing, did it?  Did people multi-task before the advent of technology made it easier?

MultitaskingI remember a commercial from my childhood — the dog is barking, the kids are fighting, a housewife holds a baby in one arm, a baby food jar in the other hand and a phone cradled between her ear and neck.  “Calgon, take me away!”  Maybe it always was a thing.

Which bring us to time management.  Who has time to exercise?  How do you fit it in?  If your doctor has told you that you HAVE to exercise, what do you give up in your schedule to make room for it? Continue reading Multi-tasking – yes or no?

Every Body Matters

So, it’s almost mid-January, and EVERYONE is thinking about how 2018 will be different. Maybe you’re someone who makes resolutions, maybe not, but there’s something in human nature that craves a new beginning, a fresh slate, a chance to make a positive change.

The reality is, change is hard. It takes courage to change, and sometimes positive change happens at a painfully slow pace. Most of us have set goals before, whether they are personal or professional, health related or financial. We’ve all been discouraged at our failures, and we’ve all thrown in the towel at times.

This blog is reiteration of the Ministry in Motion walking group that began around 2009. At that time, 20 or so Messiah members and friends met each week to walk in Winton Woods park or in Cincinnati Mills mall. We read devotions, prayed together, and gradually increased the length of our walks until we participated in a 5k. We continued for about 2 seasons.

With this blog we hope to expand that idea. It’s been almost a decade, and much has changed.

{pause as you think about the changes at Messiah since 2009}

What hasn’t changed is that we are still members of the larger body of Christ, and we still need encouragement to maintain spiritual and physical health.

We at Messiah Lutheran Church strive to live out our mission statement,

We are a 21st century mission church

living Jesus and sharing Jesus

in our community and our world.

Some in our Messiah family have run marathons, and others are recovering from surgery.  Some are bicyclists, and some are focusing on increasing their steps by using fitness trackers. There are even some who need to do regular exercises to gain the strength to complete daily tasks. All of us have a body, and every body matters in the Body of Christ.

Here you will find words of encouragement, announcements, and reflections on what it means to live Jesus and share Jesus within our physical bodies. You may have already made health and fitness goals, if so, feel free to share!

If you have a WordPress account (it’s easy and free to get one), share your goals in the comments below.  You can also join the conversation on our Facebook page (click the cute little f icon on the left) or in person!